We are looking to expand through the United States, if you are interested in starting a Branch please take the following into consideration and contact us.
I’m so excited for this new opportunity for your community! Empower Hour is thrilled to sponsor the women of your area.
An Example of A meeting is:
The typical schedule of Empower Hour:
9:30am- welcome everyone with an open heart and thank everyone for joining us.
9:45am- introduce yourself briefly and why you chose to start an empower in your area
10:00am- have everyone introduce themselves
One fun thing they are excited to do in June
10:15am Tell everyone about what empower Hour is about: mission statement, branches, that we help women and children financially, mentoring, coaching, and so much more. Empower Hour is a non profit under butterfly element and list entities Jennifer house coaching, everyday university, revive your hope, butterfly estate liquidators and empower Hour. We have partnerships with Women’s business networking and women’s veterans alliance. We have speakers to help educate women every month and networking at each group meeting to help in business and friendships. Refer to our website www.empowerhour.net and the Facebook page has all events and updated as well. We have a YouTube channel and Instagram as well as meetup. Empower Hour has been around for 3 years and has grown to 4000 members. We are now partnered with and marketing with over 200,000 women in the United States.
Bring post it’s and board- ask ;
What would you like to hear about?
10:20am- ask what other events are in the area that they would like to announce. Ask them to put it on the Facebook page so many people can attend.
10:25am- thank everyone for attending. Tell everyone to invite there friends and ask how we at empower Hour can help or if they would like to help.
10:30am - take pictures
That is what this meeting would look like. Please watch all the videos that have been posted in the last few weeks to Better understand the partnerships and help by the entities. We are open to suggestions and friendly criticisms.
For the following month please follow up with the speaker to confirm she will be speaking in July and let me know and ask if she can refer anyone to speak at the group for the following months.
If anyone in the group can speak on a top of interest book it at the meeting and let me know who and what month.
We look forward to this amazing opportunity!
We are looking for volunteers in the area to help promote Empower Hour in community events and at events we would love help.
Please is at info.empowerhour@gmail.com and we will process your request as soon as possible.